Kita selalu ingin bukti didalam kehidupan kita, tetapi bukti yang begitu banyak kadang kala kita lupa dan tidak tersentuh apabila kita tidak memikirkannya, Begitu banyak tanda-tanda yang ada didalam diri kita tentang kebesaran tuhan, berapa banyak tisu yang digantikan pada setiap saat, bagaimana mata kita berfungsi adakah anak mata kita, kita yang mengawalnya atau kita tidak mengawal anak mata kita tetapi siapa pula yang mengawal anak mata kita tentunya Allah swt yang maha esa yang mengawalnya tetapi kita tidak mudah untuk menundukkan pemikiran kita untuk mengakui betapa besarnya allah swt didalam kehidupan kita yang serba dengan kelemahan.
Jantung kita adakah kita yang memastikan ianya akan berfungsi mengepam darah keseluruh tubuh badan, jika kita tidak pernah memberikan arahan tentu ada yang menentukan agar ia sentiasa mengepam darah tersebut dan betapa lemahnyakita tetapi terlalu sombong untuk mengakui kebesaran allah swt dan tunduk kepada semua arahan dan suruhanya.
Marilah kita bersama-sama untuk berfikir.
A man went to a barber shop to have his hair and his beard cut as always. He started to have a good conversation with the barber who attended him. They talked about so many things and various subjects. Suddenly, they touched the subject of ALLAH.
The barber said: "Look man, I don't believe that ALLAH exists as you say so.""Why do you say that?" Asked the client. Well, it's so easy; you just have to go out in the street to realize that ALLAH does not exist. Oh, tell me, if ALLAH existed, would there be so many sick people? Would there be abandoned children? If ALLAH existed, there would be neither suffering nor pain. I can't think of a ALLAH who permits all of these things."
The client stopped for moment thinking but he didn't want to respond so as to prevent an argument. The barber finished his job and the client went out of the shop. Just after he left the barber shop he saw a man in the street with a long hair and beard (it seems that it had been a long time since he had his cut and he looked so untidy).
Then the client again entered the barber shop and he said to the barber: “Know what? Barbers do not exist.""How come they don't exist?"- asked the barber. "Well I am here and I am a barber." "No!" - The client exclaimed. "They don't exist, because if they did there would be no people with long hair and beard like that man who walks in the street." "Ah, barbers do exist, what happens is that people do not come to me." "Exactly!"- affirmed the client. "That's the point. ALLAH does exist, what happens is people don't go to Him and do not look for Him that's why there's so much pain and suffering in the world."
posted on behalf of IAR
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